
Analyzing a Banks Financial Statements: An Example

bank income statement

Cash, marketable securities, inventories, and accounts receivable are examples of assets that may be converted to cash in less than a year. Its role is to manage the spread between the rates it pays on deposits and the rates it receives on loans. The interest rate generates income for a bank when it earns more interest on loans than it pays on deposits. Retail banks direct their services, such as deposit and lending services, toward individuals consumers. Corporate banks provide the same services but to businesses, governments, and other large organizations. The division between the two types of bank is not always straightforward, as many banks offer both retail and corporate banking services.

bank income statement

The Retail Banking Sector

The statement displays the company’s revenue, costs, gross profit, selling and administrative expenses, other expenses and income, taxes paid, and net profit in a coherent and logical manner. An income statement is a financial statement that lays out a company’s revenue, expenses, gains, and losses during a set accounting period. It provides valuable insights into various aspects of a business, including its overall profitability and earnings per share. It tracks the company’s revenue, expenses, gains, and losses during a set period. Banks use much more leverage than other businesses and earn a spread between the interest income they generate on their assets (loans) and their cost of funds (customer deposits). The three main types of financial statements are the balance sheet, the income statement, and the cash flow statement.

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The three major financial statement reports are the balance sheet, income statement, and statement of cash flows. Income statements, also called profit and loss or P&L statements, are one of the most important financial statements for tracking your company’s revenue and growth. Public companies are required to issue an income statement, along with the balance sheet and cash flow statement, every quarter. Creditors are often more concerned about a company’s future cash flows than its past profitability. However, their research analysts can use an income statement to compare year-on-year and quarter-on-quarter performance. They can infer, for example, whether a company’s efforts at reducing the cost of sales helped it improve profits over time, or whether management kept tabs on operating expenses without compromising on profitability.

Earnings before income tax

It improves the review of a company’s consistency over time, as well as its growth compared to competitors. This type of analysis makes it simple to compare financial statements across periods and industries, and between companies, because you can see relative proportions. The ratio is considered an important profitability ratio and indicates the company’s per-dollar profit on its assets. Since bank assets consist of money and bank loans, the per-dollar return is an important metric of bank management. A company is said to be highly leveraged if it has a high level of debt for its industry.

bank income statement

Statement of Functional Expenses

bank income statement

In ExxonMobil’s statement of changes in equity, the company also records activity for acquisitions, dispositions, amortization of stock-based awards, and other financial activities. This information is useful for analyzing how much money is being retained by the company for future growth as opposed to being distributed externally. bank income statement The CFS allows investors to understand how a company’s operations are running, where its money is coming from, and how money is being spent. The CFS also provides insight as to whether a company is on a solid financial footing. Expenses that are linked to secondary activities include interest paid on loans or debt.

  • Although a liability on a bank’s balance sheet, deposits are critical to the bank’s lending ability.
  • Interest rate and credit risk are two of the most important risks a bank must manage.
  • Even when analyzing audited financial statements, there is a level of trust that users must place in the validity of the report and the figures being shown.
  • The audit of Haven Trust’s failure paints a portrait of a deeply troubled bank that pursued an aggressive lending strategy without adequate risk controls.
  • If you subtract all the outgoings from the money the company received, you are left with $21,350.
  • It’s a snapshot of your whole business as it stands at a specific point in time.
  • After calculating income for the reporting period, determine interest and tax charges.

Non-operating revenue comes from ancillary sources such as interest income from capital held in a bank or income from rental of business property. The company received $25,800 from the sale of sports goods and $5,000 from training services for a total of $30,800 in revenue. To understand the above formula with some real numbers, let’s assume that a fictitious sports merchandise business, which additionally provides training, is reporting its income statement for a recent hypothetical quarter. Revenue realized through primary activities is often referred to as operating revenue. As you can see at the top, the reporting period is for the year that ended on Sept. 28, 2019.

bank income statement

Key Financial Ratios to Analyze Retail Banks

  • Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (GAAP) are the rules by which publicly-owned United States companies must prepare their financial statements.
  • Learning how to read and understand an income statement can enable you to make more informed decisions about a company, whether it’s your own, your employer, or a potential investment.
  • Interest expenses are expenses incurred by a business for borrowed funds.
  • The balance sheet items are average balances for each line item rather than the balance at the end of the period.

Reading & Analyzing a Bank’s Financial Statements Learning Objectives

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